Positive Psychology and Recovery

Positive Psychology and Recovery

"Positive Psychology" is the new hot term in psychology. And, with good reason, because it is an awesome thing to have. Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living. By understanding positive psychology, we can apply it to our lives to optimize our well-being and happiness. But, it has special significance for recovery from addiction.

EVERYBODY's life has the capacity to be beautiful. Everybody's. And it's not based on money or material things; it's based on positive psychology.

Positive psychology lies at the basis of recovery from addiction or alcoholism, because addiction by nature puts people in a state of extreme negative psychology, and no one will ever successfully break free unless they move to a state of positive psychology. In this article, we will explore exactly what that means, and how someone can do this.

What is "Positive Psychology?"

Even the term "positive psychology" sounds awesome. The first time I heard it, I thought Cool! I don't know what that is, but I want it! And it's true. Science has studied and proven the effect of positive psychology on physical and mental health, as well as quality of life and overall well-being. However, it's especially potent for helping people to lose the desire and the need to use drugs and alcohol.

There are all kinds of definitions of positive psychology, but I like to look at it as the power of the mind to give a person resilience and hardiness. This imbues people with reduced vulnerability to adversity and a basis to thrive and grow.

Even before the term "positive psychology" was first used, around the year 2000, the principles were in use for many years, especially for overcoming hardship, such as in post-traumatic growth.

There are three aspects to positive psychology that contribute to its impressive effects on health and well-being. To the active addict or alcoholic, these sound impossibly out of reach, but bear with me, because I will tell you exactly how even the most far-gone addict/alcoholic can achieve these and find sobriety. The three aspects are: 1) a sense of coherence, 2) optimism and benefit-finding and 3) post-traumatic
growth. We will discuss each of these three components shortly.

The absence of drinking or using is not recovery

Anyone who has been caught in an addiction - and anyone who reads my website - will know that recovery is not the mere absence of drinking or using. Otherwise, we would "just stop" once we see that our drinking or using is causing our lives to fall apart. There comes a point where drinking or using is no longer about the drug or drink... we drink or use because we can't cope with life.

If we just stop using or drinking we are still left with the inability to cope with life, and all the unbearable emotions that came along with our addiction behavior: the guilt, shame, remorse, and anger, to name a few.

The Negative Psychology of Addiction/Alcoholism

There comes a point in active drug or alcohol addiction where it's no longer about getting high or drunk. There comes a point where it's about avoiding withdrawal, and escaping from a life which has become overwhelming, and emotions and feelings that are unbearable. (See "I'm Overwhelmed" click here).

Sad Lego dude
I have yet to meet a single individual who enjoyed being caught in addiction or alcoholism. Like this guy.

In my years of practicing medicine and my work as a psychotherapist I have never seen anyone with a psychology as negative as people in active addiction/alcoholism. Like any disease, people with addictions display remarkably similar symptoms and behaviors, and this negative psychology exists in pretty much every one I've ever worked with (and in myself when I was drinking and using).

I call it the addiction/alcoholism "blamethrower." We become bitter, angry, resentful people who blame the whole world, God, everybody for our situation. We become miserable physically, mentally, and spiritually. We end up living in a learned helplessness, and are swamped with self-pity. Our self-esteem is so low that we display a false pride and get defensive about everything (see "The Strange Pride of Addiction/Alcoholism" click here).

Too, the drinking or using and all the crappy behaviors that they bring on and all the stuff we have lost in life because of it brings out a terrible guilt, shame, remorse, and self-loathing that is crushing. It feels like the only way to escape the horrible feelings is to drink or use again. It's a vicious circle.

And then there's the anxiety! We worry about our past. We are freaked out about all the stuff in life that we have lost or neglected. We stew over all the things we should do, but just can't bring ourselves to do. And we get over-whelming anxiety about the future, as our life train-wrecks. We project the future, and blow things totally out of proportion, making things look ten times worse than they are. Not to mention the anxiety around where we will get the money we need for our next bottle or pick-up. We become nervous wrecks.

Because of this extreme negative psychology, people in addiction can't deal with life, and keep using or drinking to escape life. They have no resilience or hardiness, and are vulnerable to the smallest of stresses.

(article continues below)

Want to get the whole story?

A doctor in recovery provides a guided tour through the brain changes, genetics, and psychology that cause addiction... and how to use this information to beat addiction.

This successful book enables addicts and alcoholics to understand why addictive substances hold such power over them, and it allows non-addicts to understand addiction and all the behaviors that go along with it. Loved ones, teachers, clergy, supervisors, healthcare professionals... anyone who encounters addiction will find this book an eye-opener.

The book is presented in everyday language with a sense of humor that makes it a fun read.

This important book is available in e-book and paperback versions, and for download of free samples at amazon.com Click Here

(article continues)

The Three Components of Positive Psychology

The first component of positive psychology is a "sense of coherence." This is where the person stops seeing life's problems as chaotic and random insurmountable barriers. Rather, the person sees that they are just part of life, challenges, that the person has the resources to cope with. Life stops being overwhelming, the person stops feeling like a victim, and stops feeling helpless. (For tips on how to do this, see " "I'm Overwhelmed" click here).

The second component is optimism, which is self-explanatory. However, we must be careful; this optimism doesn't mean that we believe that everything will always turn out all sunshine and rainbows. Life is never always going to go our way, and to have expectations that it will just sets us up for disappointment. Rather, optimism is about the knowledge that no matter how things turn out, we will be OK. We don't need to use drugs or alcohol or any other avoidance behavior to escape from life's problems, because we know we will be OK.

The third component of positive psychology is benefit-finding and stress-related growth. Believe it or not, recovery from addiction or alcoholism is a life-changing opportunity for personal growth. What we have been through is extremely traumatic, and the only way out is to find a positive psychology. Anybody who participates in a recovery program designed to clear away all the mental and emotional carnage from the addiction experience will find a new outlook on life, appreciation for life, and gratitude for things that were previously taken for granted. This makes us much more resilient and hardy for life's ups and downs.

Moving from Negative to Positive Psychology

It has been my own personal experience and that virtually everyone among the hundreds of people I have worked with who have found recovery from moving from the extreme negative psychology to a positive psychology that it was a life-changing experience. People widely report finding an inner peace, mental serenity, and happiness and an ability to cope with life's ups and downs that is better than they've ever known before in their life, including before they ever picked up a drug or drink.

As mentioned in a previous section, recovery is not about simply using willpower to not use or drink. People who try to do that usually fail, because all the reasons for their addiction are still there. In moving from a negative to a positive psychology, with the right supports, the desire and need to drink or use simply fall away.

There are some crucial things that have to happen to shed all the ugly emotions and pain and feelings. We have to find a support system of people who have been through what we have been through, and a mentor who will work with us closely in early recovery. We have to find self-forgiveness (see "Self-Forgiveness and Recovery" click here).

Finding gratitude is also important, because it turns our focus from what we don't have to what we do have, which is part of the path to happiness. For a good read on how to do this, see "The Power of Perspective to Change Lives" (click here).

We must "clean house," which means identifying and ridding ourselves of all our anger and resentments, and getting all the guilt and self-loathing and remorse off our shoulders. This all may sound impossible, but recovery programs and addiction rehab programs are designed to help us do that.

While I try to remain as non-partisan as possible, I must say that as a psychotherapist I am hugely impressed by the 12 Steps program, which is by far the best method that I have seen for moving people who have been through addiction or alcoholism to a highly positive psychology. For an overview of various recovery and rehab programs that are out there, see our section "Recovery Programs" (click here).

Using Positive Psychology for Relapse Prevention

Positive psychology is our most important tool for maintaining recovery, because it enables us to accept life on life's terms and to deal with the ups as well as the downs in life. We are able to cope with life without using drugs or alcohol or other escape mechanisms to check out of life.

For more on relapse prevention, see "Relapse Prevention" (click here), "Relapse Prevention - How the Counselors Do It" (click here), and "Memory's Huge Role in Relapse" (click here).

Final Thoughts

I have heard people in the 12 Step program describe themselves as "grateful alcoholics," or "grateful addicts." I thought they were crazy, but what they are referring to is that their addiction led them to a recovery program that gave them a positive psychology. Life is better for them, and they are grateful for it.

Thanks for reading! Please register for free as a member of our recovery community to get notifications of new articles as they come out (click here). Please feel free to leave comments, or to email us with your stories, comments, questions, or words of wisdom at recovery.folio@gmail.com.


Aspinwall, L.G. Ph.D & Tedeschi, R.G. Ph.D. (2010). The Value of Positive Psychology for Health Psychology: Progress and Pitfalls in Examining
the Relation of Positive Phenomena to Health. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 39, 4-12.

Krentzman, A.R. (2013). Review of the application of positive psychology to substance use, addiction, and recovery research. Psychology of Addiction Behavior, 27(1), 151-65.

Post, S.G., Johnson, B.R., Lee, M.T., & Pagano, M.E. (2015). Positive psychology in relation to Alcoholics Anonymous and the Twelve Steps. American Psychological Association Addiction Newsletter, fall 2015, 18-20.

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drug rehabilitation detox programJune 18, 2021 at 10:13 am

Here, they are the helpful ones that assist you in recovery, compassionate, efficient,
and competent staff. |
They are the best! They try to accommodate me as I’m always having to switch or come in early for my appointment!
Thank you guys you have no idea how much easier you make my life.
Love the people here and the support. |
I recommend this program to anyone who is battling substance abuse.
The staff goes above and beyond for their patients. They are caring and very welcoming.
Never did I ever feel judged or uncomfortable talking to
the staff. They do care and are there to help you.

I can honestly say nowhere else has helped me out as much and in a way as this program.
Thank you, guys. |
This is the real deal, they do what they say, all you have to do is show up
and be willing to commit. The staff is so caring and aware at all
times. They make you feel special. |
Before I had given up all hope, this place brought me back to life and I
left with hope for the future. The staff is excellent, catering treatment individually rather than a one
size fits all approach. I would recommend
them to anyone serious about recovery. |
It’s daunting trying to find a decent treatment center but they make it
as easy as possible to get the care you need.
It’s been 4 years since my visit and they still keep up with
me monthly. Highly recommended. |
I would never consider going anywhere else. The front desk staff
is warm and welcoming as well. You can truly sense the overwhelming support from them
just to achieve your major goal in life. |
It was hard enough, it’s crazy to know that I still used it
for a month after finding my sister died from an overdose of fentanyl.
That’s how hard this thing is. It wasn’t easy to take the first step, even after
that. Don’t ever underestimate the power of addiction.
I did what I had to do. I can’t be in the same situation as my
sister. I still have the chance to live to my fullest.
Alumni from this rehab praise the individualized treatment
and loving, family-like environment. The whole
establishment is caring and invested in your recovery.
What I thought was heroin, turned out to be a substance called fentanyl.
Something I didn’t know about. I loved it, I couldn’t feel worthless,
I couldn’t feel in pain, I felt loved, not
by people but by this substance. Today my life is honest and true.
I don’t have nearly the material things I once did.
I went into the right place & I am still sober.
I met lifelong friends there. They gave me the foundation for sobriety.
I highly recommend them. |
The staff was friendly and great! They have a true understanding of what we go through.
Throughout the whole center. |
They offer individualized treatment, a faith-based option, and
a variety of amenities. The alumni here had high praise for the treatment
team, including the awesome therapists and staff members who were like a family to me.

Excellent! He talked with me for an hour,
calmed me down and made sure I was okay. He single-handedly prevented relapse for me that day and I’m
proud to say that I am still clean going on the 14 months process with them.
Great staff and a great facility. In my experience, everything necessary was provided.
Excellent care overall with assistance through every step along the
way including aftercare and even temporary housing for those that need it.

I have been clean and sober. I appreciate all the support I get,
even if it doesn’t seem like I do. I get to care for others and be
a good friend. And it’s all genuine and true.
I owe all of that to recovery. |
This is how the treatment should be! Staff members are friendly and helpful.
They make eye contact and smile. The providers
are well educated and so understanding. I’ve never felt judged or looked
down on. The office is very modern and beautifully decorated, made
me feel welcome. With this kind of support, treatment is highly effective.

I’m so thankful! |
A most helpful place to go if you’re struggling with opiate
addiction! |
Great staff, very caring down to earth people. Even though I’m a miserable person I do
care about these people too. So I thank you all for what you did to me.
This rehab provides substance abuse and mental health services as an outpatient program.
It is universally beloved by its clients and alumni for
the therapy provided to the individual and the support freely given by a caring staff.
I really enjoyed my time there while I was having my recovery.
The staff is very friendly and approachable. They gave me the right tools for my recovery and I am very much thankful
for it. I will really recommend this place for anyone seeking treatment for addiction.
This place was a lifesaver I had a ton of fun occasions with every one of my friends and the staff, I energetically prescribe it to
every one of you who I used to be extraordinary food and exercises decent space to stay in bed however
above all else incredible treatment the staff care about your sentiments and will make a special
effort to help and in view of them, I currently have 3 years and a half clean and sober.
Awesome experience, I was wicked nervous about my first visit.

Amy was the first person I saw when I walked in, she was very knowledgeable,
comforting, and friendly. The staff greatly made the
all-around experience enjoyable. |
The staff here is awesome, they listen to you, unlike work care occupational health in our city.
Thank u so much, you know who you are! This is just one of the many things the
staff has done in which is not in their job description. My gratitude can not fully be expressed in words.
Thank you all! |
I was tired of living my life so lost. So I came here, and it changed my
whole outlook on life! I love myself more, I’m more energetic and positive.
It’s not all about me anymore. The groups are a learning experience with counselor’s who know what they are talking about because they’ve been thru it already.
I owe it a lot to them, because of them I get to keep my
family! |
They offer a traditional 12-step program and treatment specifically
geared toward women, including relationship rebuilding, family support,
and trauma-focused therapy in an environment of trust and safety.
Well, that’s the thing women can be rest assured with.
Very friendly and helpful staff! Helped me with all my needs and was very knowledgeable in addiction recovery.

Highly Recommended! |
definitely recommend them with someone out there who is in despair.
Achieve sobriety here. | Everyday is a struggle for
an addict. Everyone can’t relate but keep in mind that never try any substance that can result in major
problems. Think before you try. Regret always comes late. |
Here at this facility, they treat you like family.

They are awesome and take the time to take care of their patients.
Very well recommended. |
I used cocaine for the first time. It didn’t phase me and I began using cocaine at school and eventually got
enough so that I could make some extra cash. One of my mistakes was bringing this substance to school to sell to my classmates.
I was very “successful” but the principal caught on and long story short, I got kicked out of school.

My family was furious. I continued my schooling at home and did quite well.
My family thought it was all over there. But it did not change who I was spending my time with.
It did not change my relationship with drugs and alcohol.
At around five days sober, I checked into an inpatient treatment program.

I learned that I had to get sober not for other people or to look
good in the face of my wreckage that I had to get sober for myself.
Most importantly, I had to learn that I was worth it and to my classmates too.
I am truly very sorry for what I’ve done. |
Here was a beautiful and well-maintained treatment center.

I have nothing but positive words about the staff, the
facility is beautiful and their treatment
plans for residents helped save my life. |
This is a fantastic facility. The staff cares.
I’ve never seen a community bond together and unite in such a short period.

They’ll do everything possible to make you comfortable.
I’d recommend this dual diagnosis facility to anyone whose
willing to create a better life for themselves. |
At age 14, I was smoking marijuana and tobacco daily, multiple
times a day. Smoking marijuana helped me forget who I was, the feeling
of getting out of my skin was amazing. Since that first hit, I loved it.
I knew then, I could get out of myself and I can use this substance to
change how I feel, or not feel at all. That’s exactly what I
wanted at that point in my life. Then I realized I am never too late to change my life.
Never in a million years did I see myself getting clean, they
made me wonder if this place saved my life. The staff is more than helpful; they go above and beyond to help you and give you what you need.
I’m so blessed to have come here and thank you for everything you
have done for me. |
I highly recommend this treatment center as I’ve referred it to my friends and family.
No complaints from me. Decent food and plenty to go around as
well. |
In one of the world’s least sober cities, this is an island
of serenity for recovery. Although they have a busy schedule this rehab and pain-management center makes me feel cramped
that I have nothing to lose if I just let them help me but high marks for their compassionate staff.
They really help me a lot. |
Fantastic! Best clinic around. I highly recommend it to all that are ready to live life!
I do not know if you prefer inpatient or outpatient programs or even aftercare is
available, but highly recommended for all in need.
It is our home, safe from the outside world, protecting, nurturing, and teaching us to
find ourselves if we are willing. We enter diseased, vulnerable, and
wounded, hanging onto life. With love, laughter,
compassion, and understanding we are helped by inspirational counselors and expert staff to face the
beast, stare into our inner selves, and feel our true emotions.
I have been to two other treatment facilities and had left early because of the lack of care but I have been here a total of 3 times because of
the level of care they offer. |
Fantastic place! Very helpful for people in recovery, and the people there
actually care. I had misunderstood something and they took the time to call me and help me figure
it out in a way that I would understand. |
Everyone cares for the clients including the Doctors, Nurses, therapists, and
other staff members, who are themselves very understanding without judgment and know what the clients are going through.

I would recommend this center for anyone who needs help.
It’s a very homely facility with amazing therapists.
It’s dual-diagnosis so they help with getting mentally better as well as chemically helping with rehabilitation from drugs.
Not the place I thought I was going but the place I needed to go!

It was a great learning experience and the staff and people
there couldn’t be more supportive. I couldn’t have asked for a better treatment center.
Highly-rated center. They offer programs for a really wide range of adolescent disorders including depression, anxiety, personality
disorders, substance abuse, behavioral addictions, and eating disorders.

Chances of recovery are here. |
It’s a completely different experience than other treatment centers.

You are treated as an adult and with respect, unlike some other facilities the staff
are so nice and friendly and the place is well organized.

I honestly can’t think of a single bad thing to say about the place or the staff.
Exactly what you need to succeed in sobriety, they are caring and very supportive and non-judgmental.
The ladies are so sweet and welcoming and the therapist is very compassionate and
understanding. |
Overall I am very pleased with all the staff
and everything that they have done for me during my stay.
They have given me hope for a fresh start in life as a sober and clean person, I can’t thank them enough.
The staff is fantastic and is willing to help.
This made my experience much more comfortable. I would recommend
it to friends in need. |
The place was just perfect and the staff was friendly.
I am now getting to be in a better place in life and I thank you all for being there to help me.
This treatment center is amazing. I have never felt so safe and loved during such a scary time.
The counselors are well versed and very engaged.
The accommodations are immaculate and private.
The staff is caring and courteous. All of your needs will be met.
I began drinking at an early age and my drinking became regular by my early teenage
years. I was a kid who never felt like I fit in anywhere, and I struggled with anxiety and feelings of loneliness.

The program I am in today helps me actually feel my feelings and
I am constantly reminded of the fact that my feelings
will not kill me. The program gives me a meaning today,
it helps me move forward in life. The 12-Steps are amazing tools for myself and others to
work on throughout my life. |
Thank you all for all the effort you’ve given me.
A chance to be drug-free. If you guys need help don’t hesitate to inquire.
It was a great treatment center, they helped me get my life back on track.
The facility is awesome and the people that work there are in recovery so it was so easy to feel like I belong there.

They were a huge support through the process as well.
Very grateful! |
Motivation is that the force that drives you to act, then rewards are what you gain from that activity.
These are the wise words you could hear upon entering.
I did not understand it first, but for the time being, I already understand
the thought of it. You’ll get it too once you visit here.
They have been a huge support system in my recovery.
All the staff here are very kind, caring, and helpful.
I highly recommend their services if you need some help staying
on track. |
Professional, Caring, Helpful, and Informative!
If you are struggling with addiction and would like help to overcome, this is the program
for you! |
The team that helped me get in was very helpful and showed that they care.
They made the detoxing portion easier to deal with than trying cold turkey.
The programming has an excellent balance of
class and activities. |
Most people assume that drug use is inherently rewarding.
Even when normal people find drug use pleasurable,
they don’t react like the addicts. You might
be in denial and that’s a fact. I already thought the pleasure I get could
be my worst nightmare. I gain the very thing
I am today because of them. I proved to myself
anyone deserves to be sober. |
Amazing staff, therapists, and doctors. Accommodations are great…
Nice rooms, catered food, volleyball, massage, biofeedback, chiropractor,
basketball, beach, and more. They saved my life!
When things get worse in your life never hesitate to ask for
help. Approach them immediately. Addiction does deserve recovery.
They changed my life!! The staff is amazing. They are some of the best people I’ve
ever met. Most of them are in recovery and can understand what
you are going through. The nurses are so helpful.

& the therapists are top-notch! |
If you’re willing to get help to obtain sobriety. They could be at help.
Don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with them.
Things might be rough nowadays but there’s
always a chance for everyone to live at the fullest without regrets.

I have already been admitted and here I am recommending them to others.
Helping one another is never a waste. |
It was a phenomenal rehab for substance abuse addiction. The staff is great!
The food is great! They take you on outings, provide chiropractors, and have medical staff on clock 24/7.
Other people are simply not able to quit these benefits until they find an alternate source of satisfaction. But you’ll
find it here. You will see the difference in your life.

You’ll just have to try harder than ever. Recovery truly excess once
you believe in yourself. |
I was extravagantly impressed with their service! It was an amazing journey here.

They saved my messy life and bring me to a new and clear life.
I was treated with exceptionally decent and got all that I expected to get by and feel as comfortable as
possible. Thank you so much for your help. I have recovered
finally! |
Looking for help for yourself or a loved one. Look no further.
They have a caring staff that can help you ease your recovery.
Their office is very clean and the specialist and nurses are always kind and they try to work with our schedule.
Very convenient for me. |
I’m a much better person now because of it and I’ve learned to
be a much better and more productive member of society.
Thank you, guys. |
I try to remain physically active and in good shape, being mindful of my dietary choices, and
to give myself the rest I need. In short, I try to avoid being hungry,
angry, lonely, and tired, as these four things can trigger
an emotional spiral. You might want to try some of my tricks.
It might help you too just like me. |
My experience here was magical. I never thought in thirty days that my whole life would turn around.
Instead of pushing life away, I now embrace it.
Thank you guys so much. |
I feel very good here and you have made me feel better.

I want to get on with my life now and I am ready for rehab.
My journey in recovery started with a decision to make a phone call to this center.
I didn’t know what I was doing. I was fearful. The center walked me through the admittance process with empathy and care.
The staff and therapists were top notch. I am so grateful for
them. |
The staff was friendly and great! They have a true understanding of what we go
through. Throughout the whole center. This made my experience much more comfortable.
I would recommend it to friends in need. |
I love coming here! I’ve been to two different clinics and they never gave up on me.
Week after week!! Their staff is friendly, I always feel welcomed!
With my career in the political arena at least temporarily done as a result of my
actions. They say whatever you put ahead of your recovery
will be the second thing you lose. I can’t agree enough.

Because of them, I am alive, thriving, and happy for the first
time in many years. They’ve not only saved my life
but reinvented my family structure as well. |
It’s a good place. They care about you as an individual they help guide you back on the right path and hold you accountable…

Which is what I need. |
They help make it feel more comfortable to come in and admit the problems.

The staff is great and they are very caring for their patients.
The best decision I ever made was to come. The staff is amazing.
They probably saved my life. And they did! |
The greatest job of recovery is the ability I now have to feel good about the things
I do, and the person that I am. Now we all do have chances to change our lives.
What a great place to get back on track.
I was in desperate need of help. I was not sure how or where.
When I called, the representative was very kind and understanding.
Being addicted to drugs is such a mess in my life because
I have no straight path to walk through. I thought I wouldn’t change my life as an addict but when I encountered your rehabilitation center, my life changed.
From mess turned into a mesmerizing life.
I am very much thankful because you helped me recover from addiction.
I appreciate your great services. I will truly recommend this to
other people who also suffer from addiction. |
This place saved my life and my family! Awesome counselors and
staff. After 4 years of multiple facilities, we found
them. One year later I could tell myself that I’m clean and doing well.
Thank you so much I saved my marriage. |
A family member has been treated here. They have great support and help for all people struggling with
issues. |
Solid clinically, and more importantly they are good and genuinely caring people.
I cannot recommend them enough for those struggling with addiction. This place saved my life.
As an industry professional they’ve become one of my most trusted resources.

Patient care and engagement are always top-notch, and I know that I can always
trust that the patient and their families will be in the best position to recover here.
I have been both inpatient and outpatient in here!
Both were great! But I got more out or resolutions! The staff is great and very caring!

Your well took care of! I would recommend this treatment
center to anyone! |
I would recommend anyone who is struggling to seek treatment with this company.
Such a loving and helpful environment. |
Amazing place to go if you’re struggling with addiction. Staff is very helpful and
respectful. They have done nothing but guide me on the right path.
They have truly saved my lifetime and time again love you
guys. It has never been about the money. They are truly lifesavers.

I wish I could give back to them maybe one day but the best
addiction specialist is here. |
They gave me a new lease on life. The experience allowed me to pull my soul out of
the dark abyss that was my drug addiction. I am deeply grateful to everyone who played a role
in my recovery. |
They’re amazing. Kind, supportive, caring, and friendly.
I love every member of their staff. I’ve shown up without an appointment because I was having a rough
day and one of the nurse practitioners made time for me.
They are compassionate healthcare providers that are also on the cutting edge of
treatment. The facility is maintained adequately and is very
sanitary. I love it very much! | You might think It’s
the end of your life. Addiction can be fought with the help of experts.
| I would |
Everyone at this office is outstanding and truly cares about your
recovery. It’s a completely different experience than other treatment centers you’re treated like an adult and with respect,
unlike some other facilities. |
It makes me inspired to read these one quote that when people discover meaning
in their life, it’s easier for them to stay sober.
And I can’t agree enough today. I’ve been sober for over a year
and to everyone out there who suffered the same situation with me.

There’s a chance and you’ll just have to admit
now. |
Today my life is honest and true. I don’t have nearly the material things I once did but what
I have today is a reflection in the mirror that I can look
at and feel good about it. |
We are prepared to live again with the support of the Fellowship of every day.

We are allowed to believe and love again; ourselves and all those
around us. They softly, indelibly mark our soul and set
us free to be. |
They truly saved my life. They are supportive, understanding, and
helpful in every aspect of my recovery. I recommend anyone serious about getting and staying
clean. |
You deserve to be treated right. A help that everyone best deserves.

Here you will be pleased and can achieve the treatment all your life.
Staff and services were very beneficial in identifying and setting a new life to be lived.
I found myself embarking on an initial journey into recovery.
When I found recovery, I can’t even summarize how significant it was for
me to talk to people, tell them what I’d done,
and then be told to, “keep coming back” and that “this too shall
pass.” But glad I did. |
What an incredibly proficient staff that goes well beyond to manage each physical
and emotional perspective that any addict or alcoholic may
present to them. I am very much thankful for the information that I picked up
in my recovery process. I will be eternally thankful for the information I picked up from every one of
them. I highly recommend this to other people. |
I got through it clean and sober. All thanks to my recovery and the 12-Step program they have.
Being in a 12-Step program gave me the tools to get through
the tragedy. I sit here today writing the story
of my life, grateful for being alive, for being able to live again. I am not here to say that
it was easy, because it is extremely difficult to keep going.
I will continue in my recovery. |
Their program strives to make recovery accessible and fun, using creative and
innovative solutions. Non-treatment hours are filled with beach-related activities such as surfing, fishing,
and volleyball. You’ll be having fun during your recovery.
The staff is friendly, the office is clean and organized. Best provider I have ever had, hands down. And this is where
it begins. Do not wait. |
Awesome staff who are with you and not against you
when you come here. Come as you are. They could help you obtain sobriety.
This place is amazing! They have helped me through my recovery!

I can finally live a normal life without the use of drugs!
I wake up enjoying life every day! |
The staff and folks who are in the program couldn’t be
more sensitive. They truly get what we are going through and always treat their clients greatly.

Ok, so I owe my life and my success to them. The staff has
always gone above and beyond to help me through my struggles.
I am striving to be the best I can be and constantly working on myself.
It’s also nice to have my family back in my life and to have built the
trust back. I owe a huge thanks and to their staff. |
If you’re looking for help with an opiate addiction you couldn’t ask for more.
They understand and care. The staff is so nice and friendly and the place is well organized.
I honestly can’t think of a single bad thing to say about
the place or the staff. |
We are taught the 12 Steps and given the tools for renewal, shown the way to find our freedom, guided in the art of giving
and provided with the precious strength for survival.

This treatment center is absolutely amazing. I
have never felt so safe and loved during such a scary time.
The counselors are well versed and very engaged. |
They work around your schedule and always help out as needed.
I highly recommend this place to anyone who needs help.

I am a living proof to their help. |
Brilliant experience, staff were spot on and very professional.
Highly recommended. |
They are well educated and responsible for your medical records.
They can assist you, even if you want to ask for a transfer to your preferred
center. They’ll respect your decision professionally.
They have helped me through A lot and I’m not perfect, but I’m trying and
they work with me. I have a good relationship with everyone who works there and I’m grateful.
I started here a few weeks ago and it feels good to be in a program where everyone is friendly and
a no-judgment zone. The lady at the desk was very helpful and sweet.
The nurse was amazing too. I highly recommend this place to anyone trying to change their life around.

Thanks to all the staff for being kind. We need more people like you all in life.
They have doctors and nurses on staff at all times and they constantly check on you every 30 minutes
so you feel safe at all times and most of the time are in recovery which helps when you need someone to talk to who is always there for you.
The therapists are also very helpful and very professional, the admissions office is also very helpful and the alumni
program is also very helpful. If I could give this place 100 stars I would.
Having experience with this rehabilitation facility made me
back to life where everything is in peace and harmony.

I have been addicted to drugs for many years and I thought there was no solution to my problem but I was wrong because there is your facility who helped me
out of addiction. I am very much thankful because you have changed my life.

This has become a very special place in my heart. I have made many
friends and hope to continue the road of recovery after I leave here.
They are incredible and the staff is amazing!
Best place-thing that ever happened to me and my family! I get an answer from staff whenever I
call the facility and I have a question or need to check or change an appointment.
These ladies and gentlemen all are awesome. |
This clinic is very clean and organized. All staff is educated and knowledgeable.
I never have to wait more than a couple of minutes.

The recovery support specialist is more than happy to help
with finding resources. I appreciate that she truly understands what patients are going through!
It’s critical for you, or anyone trying to assist an individual with an addictive
problem, to know the requirements that the addiction fulfills.
This understanding is important to extirpate the addiction. The pressures are real
for me though yet they pull it off. |
I like this place so professional and fast. They helped my uncle with his addiction. Thank you!
What an amazing journey! I really loved the treatment provided here.
This is a great place because they gave you the right care.
This is the perfect spot for those who are addicted to drugs.
This is truly recommended! |
I encourage others to feel compassion for people like us, people who love and
are loved, and who need your solidarity to overcome this powerful thing called addiction. You’ll get an honest and fruitful life you deserve.
Best place-thing that ever happened to me and my family!

Oh yeah and I get an answer from staff whenever I call the facility and I have a question or need to check or change an appointment.

These ladies and gentlemen all are awesome.

I feel like this place saved my life. The entire staff makes it clear that they are heavily invested in their jobs, many
have even dealt with/are motivated by addiction issues in their
personal lives/immediate family. |
I started here a few weeks ago and it feels good to be in a program where everyone is friendly and a no-judgment
zone. The lady at the desk was very helpful and sweet.

The nurse was amazing too. I highly recommend this place to anyone trying
to change their life around. |
They changed my life tremendously! It was the best
decision I could have ever made. The staff started as staff but ended up being my family.

Don’t overthink it, make the phone call and just go. |
It was a great place that saved my life, to be honest with you!
They will help you where you are. They work with you all through the
way. I would recommend them for an addict in need. |
Self-discipline is important to our recovery. You lose specialize in how addiction is damaging you.
You start to require the sensations and
rewards it offers you as a given as if you had no other thanks to obtaining them.
You’ll know once you get there. |
I was blown away seeing how truly caring and understanding all the staff was.
I was grateful my daughter found this clinic
finally a place that I know when I enter I can hold my head up and smile.

I couldn’t do that in a lot of places. I’m already feeling better.
I enjoy coming. |
I think of these people more as caring friends than medical staff.
I was never judged or felt ashamed coming back,
I’m always greeted with a warm smile. For anyone who’s considering this program,
I highly recommend They helped change my life.
I believe that the staff was professional and caring.
They had an expert way of getting me to look deep into myself to help me find what my underlying issues were.
I also received the tools to know how to deal with these emotions and how to
cope with stress. |
What treatment it was! They helped me a lot and they also made it easier
actually. Looking forward to more clients to see the best
recovery they have. |
You might think It’s the end of your life. Addiction can be fought with
the help of experts. I would definitely recommend them with someone out there
who is in despair. Achieve sobriety here. |
The greatest job of recovery is the ability I now have to feel good about the things I do, and the
person that I am. I had never felt that
before in my life. I get to spend time with my children and be emotionally invested.
I get to care for others and be a good friend and a good son. And
it’s all genuine and true. I owe all of that to recovery.
I highly recommend them. It’s a great place with excellent facilities and therapy.

The support staff is amazing and wonderful! |
Everyone at this office is outstanding and truly cares about your recovery.
If you’re looking for help with an opiate addiction you couldn’t ask for more.
They understand and care. |
They take you on outings, provide chiropractors, and have
medical staff on clock 24/7. If you’re tired and want to give up the fight, then here is the
only place I recommend anyone to start! Thank you!
One of the first steps for many people is overcoming the fear of quitting.
You guys help me a lot.But recovery is possible.
It takes work, time, patience, and perseverance, but it is possible here.
The staff was excellent in dealing with withdrawals and addictions.
It’s amazing what I have achieved in 10 days and the staff have
been great regarding the COVID situation and zoom
meetings. I haven’t felt alone here and I would recommend coming
here to anyone. I am looking forward to the next 3 weeks.
After relapsing and disappearing, my mother
received a few phone calls from the office just checking on me to
see if there was anything I or her needed, I’m quite sure their medical practice would do such a great thing.

It helps me a lot. |
I was smoking marijuana any moment I could
and soon found out that everyone around me was drinking
alcohol so I thought I would try it. I thought “my parents and siblings drink so it
couldn’t be that bad.” I drank so much the first time that I got very sick.

Truth is I didn’t like drinking but it was socially acceptable so
I drank as much as I could. I couldn’t seem to get
enough. My drinking and using marijuana continued for two years.
At around five days sober, I checked into a 28-day inpatient treatment program.
Treatment forced me to see one thing crystal clear:
my recovery had to be the most important thing in my life.
They say whatever you put ahead of your recovery
will be the second thing you lose. I learned
that I had to get sober. You’re worth it, plain and simple.
There is a solution to your problem, and millions of people out
there have found it. You can too. |
This facility might not look the best but the quality of care and treatment is exceptional.
If you are looking for a treatment center I would come here.

They are amazing. Very understanding and easy to
talk to. I like one of the nurses personally. She is the first provider I have had that cares.

The staff is friendly, the office is clean and organized.
Best provider I have ever had, hands down. |
I felt nothing before getting to what I am today. Thank you so
much for the experience I’m having. The staff is very supported at everything and willing to assist in my recovery.
Blessed to have been fortunate enough to go to. The place is great!
A wonderful open atmosphere with great staff that cares about its
patients. |
This place is amazing!! The cleanest treatment center I’ve
ever been in, and unfortunately, I’ve been in a few lol.
The Doctor and staff are extremely polite and attentive.
I strongly recommend this place for anyone looking for help with addiction.
The majority of time is spent in group therapy which I found very helpful.
The center itself is a converted motel with private rooms and
a pool. |
If it wasn’t for these guys I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Addiction doesn’t only hurt you but it hurts everyone around you
as well and being induced with drugs you fail to realize that.
I can’t thank you enough for saving my life. |
I’ve been a client here on and off for a few years now.
Unfortunately, I had relapsed twice, however, the
staff welcomed me back with open arms. They have gone above and beyond what the job requires.

Everyday is a struggle for an addict. Everyone can’t relate but keep in mind that
never try any substance that can result in major problems.
Think before you try. Regret always comes late. |
I am finding ways to complete myself, to compensate for the loss.
My job, family, friends, and especially myself. I could never get the
help I deserve with their help. You might need their
guidance. Feel free to approach them. They could give you a free
consultation on your first acquaintance. |
I do believe they aren’t bad people who need to get good,
they are sick people who need to get well.
Be there for them, let them know that they are loved no matter what and that there is a path
of recovery that you’re willing to travel with
them. I’m very glad to have a supportive family with me. |
From what I remember, it was to be “cool” to fit in with a certain crowd.
As far as I could remember I did not fit in with anyone and wanted to be a part of something.
I just wanted people to enjoy my presence and to like who I was,
but to tell you the truth, I didn’t know who I was and
I didn’t like myself. I felt worthless from a young age and that developed into an even lower level
of self-esteem as a teenager. But it’s always for the first time.
I’ve realized it was all a mistake that I truly felt sorry about it.
Being you is always a struggle especially to
be able to fit with others. But today, I’ve been genuinely happy with all my loved ones supporting me
with my sobriety. Thanks to their help. |
The accommodations are immaculate and private. The staff are caring and courteous.
All of your needs will be met. |
The drug addiction treatment center is quite a place.

The staff truly cares and endeavors to help individuals in need.
The idea that addiction is a response to life without personal meaning is very much true.
Regrets never come first right? Addiction controls our
bodies and minds. It can also destroy lives.
The consequences of it aren’t measurable. Now I found my home.
I found myself here with them with the help of
the caring staff and specialist. I can’t thank you enough guys.
I love this place and the employees. They care about their patients and our future.
I’m so grateful and the other ladies for caring and helping me in saving my future and life.
This place is the best!!! |
Do you think you need help with your addiction? You guys better
inquire here. My big brother once admitted here and did all the programs
he arranged for him. Now he’s living life to the fullest.
My time and experience here, although hindered by the virus lockdown, was an absolute joy.

The Management, therapists, and support staff were incredibly caring and
knowledgeable. I leave feeling stronger, more prepared, and that I have been lovingly looked after and
helped on my way. Thank you once again. |
Once I contacted them, they made me feel that I was coming to the right place.

The mountains made me feel at home. They have given me a chance to heal.

Looking for the best center that can help you achieve sobriety.
They can provide all things you need for recovery.
From day one to the chosen days your specialist says so.
Have some faith with them. |
I learned so much there. They can cope with life.

They’ve set me up for success with a boatload of tools and big
thanks for the team they have supported me with my recovery.
It was amazing. Thanks. |
If you’re tired and want to give up the fight, then they
are the only place I recommend anyone to start!
Thank you once again everyone! |
I went here and I’ve been to many different treatment centers but white sands were the best
decision I had made in a very long time. I’m extremely grateful for
them and the opportunities that have opened up for me.
I would recommend them to anyone. |
The staff at the facility are very friendly and understanding!

They will work with you in every way possible!
I honestly couldn’t have gotten this far without their
help! Thank you. |
I got through it clean and sober. All thanks to my
recovery and to their 12-Step program. I sit here today
writing the story of my life, grateful for being able to
live again. I am not here to say that it was easy, because
it is extremely difficult to keep going, without my family and my friends’ help.

I know that they all would want me to be happy and continue in my recovery.

Best I’ve ever been to so far. The staff is very nice and helpful too.
We all deserve to be treated well you know. |
Very pleasant atmosphere and supportive staff. The office is helpful and resourceful.
They help you through the process the whole way. All it took was
one call. Now I’m feeling better than I thought I would and people are telling me I look and act like a better myself.

So thank you! |
What a great experience I have here! The use of evidence-based
practices and the management is very dynamic and knowledgeable in every
aspect of customer care. I will recommend this to other
people who are suffering from addiction! |
They have truly been a life-changing experience and I couldn’t have asked for better
treatment. My experience has changed me for the better
and gives you everything you need to make a better life on the outside.
With the therapist’s help and professional advice you truly are given everything,
you need to succeed in your life of sobriety. Thanks to
you all. |
They have doctors and nurses constantly on staff and
have medically assisted detox to help people through the initial week or so.
I loved the majority of the therapists. |
This is a phenomenal rehab for alcohol and substance
abuse addiction. The staff is great! The food is great!

If you’re tired and want to give up the fight then think again.
I still highly recommend it and reaching out to find aftercare, inpatient,
or outpatient programs if needed. The resources and
tools are there for you, now it is up to you to make the life commitment!
They saved my life. Every single staff member truly cared about my recovery.
Making the call for myself was very difficult but as soon as they answered
I began to feel better. Wonderful place to get back to life.
I couldn’t ask for a better addictions center.
They are truly good at treating everyone with respect, not as if we’re
less than. It was an amazing place to be. Thank you for helping me and changing not only my life but also my friends.

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